
Welcome to my humble blog! 👋 I write technical posts with the intention of either documenting problems I have solved or showing off stuff I built.

My passion is self-hosting in my home lab with these important goals:

How did I get here?

I started out with an interest in programming during high school. I was quick to realize, M$ Windows is terrible for any form of serious development and decided to dual-boot Linux for this. Over time, I realized I was only using Windows for gaming and ditched it all together.

In the meantime, I distrohopped quite a bit (like any starting Linux user 😀). Some distros I tried in the past (and what I can remember): Ubuntu, Zorin OS, Kubuntu, MX Linux, Xubuntu, Debian, PopOS, Linux Mint. I guess I was quite the Apt fan?

In my time at university, while trying to host a personal website, I came in contact with Docker. This started my descent in the realm of system administration, DevOps and Infrastucture as Code: I acquired a Celeton-powered Gigabyte Brix mini PC to run Docker on. Over time, I went from hosting just my personal website to hosting a wide arsenal of services, and added two more mini PCs to my server fleet. This was all hosted using Docker Compose, but I found this difficult to manage over multiple hosts. I found more flexibility in Docker Swarm, giving me poor man’s clustering capabilities. See this post where I made a detailed write-up of the state of my home lab back then.

And where am I now? You’ll have to take a look over at the /now page and my other posts!